Sabtu, 09 April 2011

12 ExAmPLe SeNTenCe oF NOuN cLaUSe

1. Noun Clauses as Subjects
How you will finish all your homework on time is beyond me.

2. Noun Clauses as Subject Complements
My question is whether you will sue the company for losses.

3. Noun Clauses as Direct Objects
Our dog eats whatever we put in his bowl.

4. Noun Clauses as Object Complements
Her grandfather considers his biggest mistake that he did not finish college.

5. Noun Clauses as Indirect Objects
My parents gave that my brother wants his own car much thought.

6. Noun Clauses as Prepositional Complements
My husband did not think about that I wanted some nice jewelry for my birthday.

7. Noun Clauses as Adjective Phrase Complements
I am pleased that you are studying noun clauses.

8. Noun Clauses as Appositives
That man, whoever is he, tried to steal some library books.

9. Noun Clauses as Statement
I know + Billy made a mistake =
I know that Billy made a mistake.

10. Noun Clauses as question
- George wonders + Does Fred know how to cook? =
George wonders if Fred knows how to cook.

- Why did they leave?
I haven’t any idea why they left.

11. Noun Clauses as request

His brother said, "Leave me alone!"
His brother told him to leave him alone

12. Noun Clauses as exclamation

- They can’t decide whether they should go or stay home.
They can’t decide whether to go or (to) stay home.

- We don’t know whether she speaks Spanish.
We don’t know whether she speaks Spanish or not.
We don’t know whether or not she speaks Spanish.

1 komentar:

  1. hei kawan, karena kita ini mahasiswa gundar, tolong ya blognya di kasih link UG, seperti
    - dan lain lain
    karna link link tersebut mempengaruhui kriteria penilaian mata kuliah soft skill
    makasi :)
